Blog 10: Group Dynamics
Over the summer of 2017, I was working at my community college in the College to Careers office as the receptionist. My responsibilities included greeting visitors, answering phone calls, connecting guests looking for specific programs, and other office responsibilities as required. There were three staff members in the College to Careers office, my boss Emma, the WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) coordinator Olivia, and the Perkins coordinator Ava. I did not have a good understanding of what their jobs were exactly nor do I remember anymore but I believe my boss was responsible for helping students looking into specific career programs like nursing, teaching, etc. The WIOA coordinator had a similar job but their responsibilities pertained to several WIOA programs offered at the college. The Perkins coordinator is the person I knew the least information about their job because during that summer the Perkins coordinator was trying to streamline the Perkins loan request pro...